Os presentamos nuestros talleres de este mes de Septiembre
Launching our September workshops.

El movimiento corporal y la danza consciente nos ayudan a armonizar nuestras energías, conectando el cuerpo físico, mental y emocional. Se trata de recuperar posturas, movimientos y pautas respiratorias que van activando nuestros centros energéticos. No es necesario experiencia previa ni se trata exactamente de bailar, sólo es necesario estar abiert@ a esta experiencia. Los talleres de movimiento corporal son una manera de redescubrir nuestra naturaleza primaria, consisten en bajar del plano mental al cuerpo, a las emociones y al alma, conectando de esta manera con nosotros mism@ y con los demás. Nos ayudan a resetear nuestro cuerpo, activarlo y desbloquear emociones, a través de las sensaciones que te despiertan la música y los movimientos.
El sabado 14 de Septiembre haremos un TALLER PARA DESPERTAR TU POTENCIAL Y MOVILIZAR TU ENERGÍA con Paula Carrillo.
En este próximo taller de Movimiento corporal exploraremos LOS CHAKRAS, desde el amor y la aceptacion. Despertando nuestro potencial, movilizando nuestra energia, conectando con nosotros mismos y con la vida..Todo a través de la música, nuestra energia y la consciencia corporal.
«El cuerpo ya sabe lo que la mente aún no se ha dado cuenta» António Damásio.
INFO Y RESERVAS: PAULA +34 667 375 772
Danzaremos para conectar con nuestra esencia, con nuestra autenticidad, recordar quienes somos, redescubrir nuestra fuerza y nuestro poder interior.

(taller facilitado sólo en inglés)
• Location: S’espai 6 – Soller, Mallorca
• Timeframe: 2,5 hours
• Language: English / German
• Capacity: max. 8 People
• Energy Exchange: 50€
Check here my breathwork video:
REBIRTHING BREATHWORK is one of the strongest transformative energy breathing techniques existing. It’s a powerful method for releasing old trauma, stored emotions and energetic blockages from the body, but also to experience higher states of consciousness, to get more clarity and connect with one’s true nature.
During a rebirthing session, we are activating the powerful life force energy through a deep and circular breathing technique. This allows us to expand our energy field and access a profound state of inner awareness, enabling to connect more deeply with the own emotions and subconscious mind. You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your emotions and your past experiences.
In a nutshell, it can help you to…
Release stuck emotions and energetic blockages
Heal past traumas and emotional wounds
Experience higher states of consciousness
Gain deeper understanding and clarity
Increase self-awareness and boost confidence
Experience deep relaxation and inner peace
Meet your spirit guides or eternal souls
Connect with your true nature
The first 20 minutes will be dedicated to an introduction, where you will discover how the technique works and what you can expect to experience during the session. Then, a brief meditation and intention-setting will take place before we start the journey. The rebirthing session itself lasts between 1 and 1.5 hours and consists of an active breathing phase for 45–60 minutes, followed by a relaxation phase of 20–30 minutes. After the session, you will have the opportunity to share your insights and experiences, creating a space for reflection and integration. In total, you should plan 2.5 hours for the whole experience.
Please come well rested 15 Minutes before the official start, bring a water bottle and a journal in case you want to write something down afterwards. Be sure to wear loose clothing and bring warm socks, nothing tight around the chest area, so breathing is effortless and easy. You can also bring your own Yoga Mat or Blanket if you want.
FACILITATOR ~ Chiara Vaeth
I am a certified breathwork facilitator with several years of experience in healing and transformation work. After years of working with clients and exploring different modalities such as trauma-informed coaching, hypnotherapy and regression, rebirthing breathwork found me – and I fell in love with this amazing powerful healing tool. Since then, I am facilitating rebirthing breathwork sessions, both 1:1 private sessions and groups in Thailand, Spain and Germany.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me. You can also check my website or my Instagram to gain more information about rebirthing breathwork (links below).
E-Mail: mail@chiaravaeth.de
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/491777986541